Manage your property with ease.

Bringing transparency to a real estate market fraught with uncertainty by overseeing the end-to-end process of long-term rentals in the UK – and soon, globally.

Available for iOS and Android.

Landlords, we hear you.

Unreliable estate agents? Uncertainty about tenants paying on time or looking after the property? Deals falling through at the referencing stage? Our platform addresses these.

The little things we take care of, for you.

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Pre-qualified tenants

Right-to-rent and income verification done in advance for all potential tenants.

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Sign tenancy agreement in app

When you accept an offer, sign the tenancy agreement that is generated in seconds. No more long waits.

Already got tenants?

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Transfer existing leases with ease

Rolling or fixed? We got you. Our app guides you step-by-step for transfering your existing leases.

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Take advantage of our features

Documentation, compliance, automated payments, to name a few. With the lowest fees in the industry.

Our features

Our app helps you with the end to end management of your properties. Some features here with more in the works.

Everything centralised

Deposits, compliances and edge cases? Our app surfaces what you will need to do at the relevant stages. All in the app.

Know your potential tenants

Ratings and reviews in the app tells you how often the tenant has paid on time, punctuality and more. See what other users say and how they are rated.

Lowest fees in the industry

3 to 5% of the monthly lease price and we only charge when you get paid.

Accountability and visibility

See what needs to be done by each party involved, see if they have seen the action item. Our platform provides transparency for you to make that informed decision.

Join us as we work towards easier rent for everyone.

Download and begin your long-term rental journey with more transparency, accountability and visibility over your properties.

The other user types on our platform.


The rent seekers on our platforms are all pre-qualified with their ratings and reviews available for you to make that informed decision.

Service Staff

The users you hire when a maintenance request is raised. See their bids on your job request and see their ratings and reviews. Accept job, get the maintenance request resolved and pay.