Crucial in the maintenance of our home.

Bringing transparency to a real estate market fraught with uncertainty by overseeing the end-to-end process of long-term rentals in the UK – and soon, globally.

Available on iOS and Android.

Tradespeople or cleaners, we want you on our platform.

You are the people we call when something breaks or when upkeeping is required. As a crucial piece in estate management, we wanted to provide a platform where you an do what you do best. Earning your keep with favourable clients. See how we've made the process easier for you.

Vet your potential clients

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See their ratings and reviews

See what the users on the platform say about your potential client. We also provide system ratings on how often they pay on time and how responsive they are.

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An informed decision

Decide if you want to bid on the job based on the information we provide. And yes, there are limited bids to protect users from spam. See how we manage this below.

How we protect you

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Bids and tokens

We limit the number of bids a service staff user can put out in a day, this prevents spam and helps keep bids from getting too low.

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Evidence of work & invoicing

Complete your work, show evidence on the app and have an invoice generated for you to get paid. Late payments? We mark those clients down and help you chase up on said payments, with interest where required.

Our features

See service staff features here. We have more in the works including other jobs to add onto the platform.

Find work and bid for jobs

Bid for the job you want to do, see when the user has seen it and process stage of the bid.

Everything centralised

Invoicing, complaints, ratings and reviews, all in the palm of your hands. Leave the little things to us.

Do what you do best

Work is tough, we take away the administrative bits that make the whole process a lot smoother.

Low fees

We only charge when you get paid.
5% of the invoice amount.

Join us as we work towards easier work for everyone.

Download and begin your estate maintenance journey with more transparency, accountability and visibility over your jobs and clients.

The other user types on our platform.


The user group that you will be dealing with the most, see their ratings and reviews and what other service staff says about them.


The tenants are the parties who you will liase with in arranging for maintenance time and day.